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Raised on a steady diet of chocolate and ice pops, Sarah Carson developed a discerning palate for both. After studying with an accomplished chocolatier in Empire, Michigan in 2011, Sarah took to her home kitchen to craft the perfect truffle pop. She experimented with new flavors and ingredients for 3 years before Queen City Pops was born in Burlington, Vermont in 2014.


Sarah’s dreamy creation, the truffle pop, is best described as a frozen chocolate truffle on a stick. It is a unique variation on the high-end chocolate truffle, perfect for summer and best consumed while strolling with friends (or alone by candlelight). Queen City Pops come in many flavors, with various add-ins like coconut, fruit, espresso beans, nuts and nut butters. They come in milk, white and dark chocolate varieties. They have a soft and creamy ganache filling and a crisp chocolate coating that snaps between your teeth. Their richness and sophistication is accompanied by the playfulness of eating from a stick.

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